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Say ‘Goodbye’ to Your Tedious Hair Removal Routine…

And say ‘hello’ to soft, smooth, no-maintenance, hair-free skin with laser hair removal! If you are done with the shaving, waxing, depilatory creams, sugaring, and all the endless at-home and appointment-heavy hair removal methods, it’s time to consider laser hair removal. Around a million laser hair removal procedures are performed every year on both men and women who enjoy a variety of benefits. Laser hair removal is a quick, safe procedure with virtually no downtime and is a fantastic option for hair elimination and reduction.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment at Saxon MD

Skilled facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sarah Saxon is dedicated to offering her Dallas laser hair removal patients advanced and effective treatments. The entire staff at Saxon MD wants to help you reach your aesthetic goal with a personalized treatment plan. Laser hair removal can be the solution you have been looking for to save time and boost your confidence in your body.

laser hair removal Dallas

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal uses a pulsing beam of light focused through a laser device. This laser heats the hair follicles in the area where you have unwanted hair, deactivating them. After treatment, the damaged follicles become unable to grow hair. For the procedure to be effective, body and facial hair must be in the “growth stage.” Since hair stages happen in cycles, each follicle can be addressed by treating the area over multiple sessions.

woman holding flowers

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal can help with the constant need for shaving, waxing, and hair removal creams. It also means avoiding razor burn and annoying ingrown hairs. Hair removal can aid those in sports like cycling and swimming, where eliminating fractions of a second caused by friction is essential. Since laser hair removal is highly efficient, an area of about one-inch square can be treated every second. This means small areas are very quick, and even your legs and back can be treated in less than an hour. Almost any area of the body can be treated except for the eyelids. These areas include:

  • Face
  • Upper lip & Chin
  • Bikini line & Brazilian
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Underarms
  • Men often seek hair removal from their chest, back, stomach, neck, groin, and between the eyebrow

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the benefits to be had with laser hair removal:

  • No more need to shave areas with unwanted hair constantly
  • No more need for painful and messy waxing
  • Smoother looking legs and arms (and wherever else you want a smoother appearance)
  • Stops the growth of unwanted hair
  • Time-saving
swirling line

Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?

woman making heart shape with hands

Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is great for almost anyone who wants to see long-term hair growth elimination or reduction. Skin types I-VI can all benefit from laser hair removal along with all different skin textures. The only individuals who would not be able to receive this treatment would be those with an active skin infection and people with very blond or red hair, as the laser will not be able to pinpoint the follicles.

See below for a breakdown of some of the issues that can be addressed with laser hair removal:

  • Need for constant shaving and tweezing
  • Expensive and painful waxing
  • Rough or stubbly legs and arms
  • Unwanted hair growth is slowed or halted
  • Wasting time with other hair removal methods

Consultation and Preparation

At a consultation, we will determine a treatment plan that is ideal for you based on your particular needs and aesthetic goals. We will also discuss specific details about the treatment and provide prep guidelines. At Saxon MD, we use the Skintel™ Melanin Reader, which, through top-tier technology, reads the average melanin density before your treatment. This ensures that the equipment settings are tuned to your specific skin type to help prevent burns or hyperpigmentation.

Why Saxon MD?

Our aesthetics and wellness center continually strives for excellence under the direction of double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sarah Saxon. Dr. Saxon and her team carefully curate the Saxon MD treatment list to include the latest, safest, and most effective available products and treatments. Whether you’re looking to remove hair in a small area or parts of your whole body, Saxon MD has the experience to provide long-lasting results with little to no downtime.

Dr. Saxon Dallas Facial Plastic Surgeon

Schedule A Consultation

Schedule Your Dallas Laser Hair Removal Consultation at Saxon MD Today

If you would like to learn more about Laser Hair Removal in Dallas, TX.

If you’re ready to be done with shaving and waxing, set up a consultation today. During your consultation for Laser Hair Removal Dallas facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Saxon will answer any questions or address any concerns you might have. Schedule your consultation today by calling us at (512) 537-4191 or chat online!

Laser Hair Removal FAQs

Are Laser Hair Removal treatments painful? What do they feel like?

Most patients describe laser hair removal treatment as a snapping or pricking feeling. However, they are generally very tolerable, and many say they treatments are more comfortable than waxing.

What are the risks associated with Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a very safe procedure. You may experience minor side effects, including redness or swelling, and rare side effects including blistering, crusting, or changes in skin texture. These risks will be fully discussed prior to your treatment.

Are Laser Hair Removal treatments permanent? How often should I expect to schedule follow-up treatments?

This procedure is generally not considered permanent, but it does have long-lasting effects. Most patients, with some maintenance, find a permanent reduction in hair growth in the areas treated.

Will I experience downtime after the Laser Hair Removal treatment?

There is virtually no downtime after laser hair removal. You may experience some tenderness or a sunburn feeling for a day or two, but this usually resolves on its own.

How much do Laser Hair Removal treatments cost?

The cost of laser hair removal depends on the size of the treatment area and how many initial sessions will be needed to achieve the desired results. Cost details and financing options will all be discussed in detail during a consultation.

Make your tomorrow beautiful. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Saxon about facial plastic surgery in Texas. Dr. Saxon will answer all your questions in a caring manner and help you create a plan to bring your ideal looks to life!

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