Where Are Brow Lift Scars Located?
If you’re thinking about getting a brow lift, you’re probably wondering where the scars will be and how noticeable they might look. Brow lifts are a great way to refresh your appearance, but knowing the different types of incisions and their placement can help you feel more comfortable about your choice. Keep in mind that the closer the incision is to the eyes, the more lift can be expected. Let’s break down the options, explain what you can expect, and talk about ways to minimize scarring so you can feel confident about your results.
Types of Brow Lifts and Incision Placement
1. Direct Brow Lift
Incision Placement: The incisions are made just above the eyebrows.
Why It’s Used: This approach is often chosen for patients with heavy, drooping brows who need dramatic lifting in the eyebrow area for functional purposes. It’s particularly common for older patients or those with significant asymmetry. These patient often have very little hair or thinning hair where hiding the incisions can pose a challenge.
Offers precise control over eyebrow shape and positioning.
- Can give a more dramatic lifting effect
Shorter recovery time compared to other methods.
- Can be done under local anesthesia
Visible scars directly above the eyebrows, which may be more noticeable.
Not ideal for patients concerned about prominent scarring.
2. Mid-Forehead Lift
Incision Placement: The incisions are placed within natural forehead creases.
Why It’s Used: This technique is often chosen for bald patients with deep forehead lines or creases, allowing the surgeon to hide the scars effectively.
Scars blend into natural forehead wrinkles.
Effective for patients with significant sagging and deep forehead lines.
Only suitable for patients with prominent forehead creases.
Scars may become more noticeable if forehead lines diminish with age or Botox use.
3. Pretricheal Brow Lift
Incision Placement: The incision runs along the hairline, either at or slightly in front of it.
Why It’s Used: This approach is ideal for patients with a high hairline or elongated forehead, as it can shorten the forehead while lifting the brows. Using this incision can also prevent the hairline from getting higher during the procedure while also being able to hide the scar.
Combines brow lifting with forehead shortening.
Scars are typically well-hidden along the hairline.
- Prevents the hairline from getting higher during the procedure (as is the case with a coronal brow lift)
- Hair can grow through the incision over time to camouflage the scar.
- Provides a uniform lift across the entire length of the brows
- Allows modifications to the hairline shape if needed.
Risk of visible scarring if the hairline is thin or recedes post-surgery.
4. Coronal Brow Lift
Incision Placement: The incision runs ear-to-ear across the scalp, hidden within the hair. This incision is the farthest from the eyebrows, so it can’t give as dramatic of a lift as other incisions closer to the brows.
Why It’s Used: This technique provides some lift while completely hiding the incision within the hair. It is useful in patients who have a slightly low hairline who want the hairline to get higher while lifting the brows at the same time.
Scars are hidden within the hair.
Provides a uniform lift across the entire brow and forehead.
Lifts the hairline slightly, which can be a problem if the forehead is already high
5. Endoscopic Brow Lift
Incision Placement: Several small incisions are made behind the hairline.
Why It’s Used: This minimally invasive technique uses a camera to assist in lifting the brows.
Minimal scarring due to small incisions.
Limited in how much lifting can be achieved.
Less effective for patients with significant brow drooping or a high hairline.
How to Minimize Scarring After a Brow Lift
Minimizing scarring is a key part of achieving the best results after a brow lift. Here are some techniques and tips I use to help patients heal beautifully:
Surgical Techniques
PRF Injections: Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) can be injected into the incision sites to strengthen the scar tissue to minimize widening over time. It has been shown to stabilize hair follicles to reduce shock hair loss as well.
Tension-Reducing Suture Techniques: By carefully closing the incision with minimal tension, I reduce the chance of wide or raised scars. PDS sutures are used in the strength layer of the scalp called the galea. These sutures remain in place for about 3 months before your body resorbs them.
Puracyn Spray: This antimicrobial spray helps reduce inflammation and promotes clean, healthy healing conditions for the skin.
At-Home Care
Use Sunscreen: UV exposure can darken scars, making them more noticeable. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to the incision areas daily.
Silicone Gel: Silicone-based products like gels or sheets help flatten scars and reduce redness over time. These can be started about 2 weeks after surgery.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Incision Type
Brow Lift Type | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Direct Brow Lift | Most dramatic lift, quick recovery | Visible scars above eyebrows |
Mid-Forehead Lift | Scars blend with forehead wrinkles | Limited to patients with deep forehead creases |
Pretricheal Brow Lift | Hides scars in hairline, shortens forehead | Risk of visible scars with receding hairline |
Coronal Brow Lift | Hidden scars | Raises the hairline to make the forehead bigger |
Endoscopic Brow Lift | Minimal scarring, faster recovery | Limited lifting potential |
Do you think you are a candidate for a brow lift?
Brow lifts offer transformative results, and understanding incision placement can help set realistic expectations. During your consultation, we will select the type of brow lift for your particular needs based on your anatomy. My goal is for you to achieve a rejuvenated look with minimal scarring.
If you’re considering a brow lift and have questions about which approach is right for you, I’m here to help. Schedule a consultation to learn more about your options and take the first step toward a more refreshed appearance!
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