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Structural Neck Lift


Woman with dark hair smiling, wearing a black blazer and white shirt, indoors with a softly blurred background. Saxon MD

Restore Your Youthful Contours

Dreaming of a sculpted jawline and a defined neck that reflects your youthful beauty? A structural neck lift, performed by Dr. Saxon, a leading facial plastic surgeon, can address visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline, restoring a more balanced and harmonious facial profile. Schedule a consultation to explore how a structural neck lift can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
Dreaming of a sculpted jawline and a defined neck that reflects your youthful beauty? A structural neck lift, performed by Dr. Saxon, a leading facial plastic surgeon, can address visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline, restoring a more balanced and harmonious facial profile. Schedule a consultation to explore how a structural neck lift can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

How Does a Structural Neck Lift Refine Your Jawline?

Two women, one holding a mirror, engaging in a conversation while sitting in a living room with greenery in the background. Saxon MD

Targets hidden fat deposits: Reaches deeper tissues that traditional liposuction can’t, providing a more sculpted look.

Addresses muscle laxity: Tightens weakened muscles for a defined jawline and sharper contours.

Reduces enlarged salivary glands: Minimizes puffiness and restores a smoother neck appearance.

Removes excess skin: Eliminates sagging skin for a lifted and youthful effect.

Comprehensive approach: Combines multiple techniques to address all factors contributing to jawline definition.

Structural Neck Lift vs. Kybella or CoolSculpting

Thinking about tackling your double chin? While non-surgical options like Kybella and CoolSculpting offer some appeal, they may not address the root cause of the problem.

Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Schedule a consultation to discuss your options and find the best solution for a sculpted, youthful jawline.

Dr. Saxon’s

Structural Neck Lift Approach

A woman with red hair wearing a teal dress stands confidently with her hands on her hips on a tree-lined street. Saxon MD

Dr. Saxon’s structural neck lift procedure is performed under general anesthesia for optimal comfort and safety. Here’s a simplified overview of the steps involved:

Precise Incisions: A small incision is made under the chin, providing access to deeper tissues.

Targeted Sculpting: Excess fat deposits beneath the muscle are carefully removed, along with any enlarged muscles.

Muscle Tightening: Specific neck muscles are tightened to create a more defined jawline and sharper contours.

Skin Rejuvenation: Any excess skin is meticulously removed to achieve a smooth, youthful appearance.

Advanced Techniques: Dr. Saxon may utilize additional methods like liposuction for optimal results.

This multi-faceted approach addresses all the underlying causes of a sagging jawline and undefined neck, delivering long-lasting and natural-looking results.

The Recovery Process After Structural Neck Lift

After a structural neck lift, you may experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. While these are typical post-operative symptoms, they will gradually subside over time. A drain is typically left in place for at least 1 day. You will see Dr. Saxon the day after surgery to remove dressings and see if drains can come out. At that time, we will teach you how to care for your incisions and answer any further questions you may have. The full recovery time can vary, but most patients see noticeable improvements within a week. As the swelling diminishes and the treated area heals, the results of your newly contoured neck will continue improving. Most patients resume all normal activities within a week.

Structural Neck Lift FAQs

How long does a structural neck lift take?
A structural neck lift typically takes several hours under general anesthesia in a surgery center.
While initial improvements can be noticed within a week, the full results appear in a few months once swelling has had time to subside.
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks. Potential complications include bleeding, infection, fluid collections, scarring, and nerve damage. Dr. Saxon offers detailed aftercare instructions to minimize risks.
Dr. Saxon strategically makes tiny incisions along the natural creases of your skin to minimize visibility. Over time, these incisions heal and become almost invisible.
Most patients require a week of downtime. However, it’s essential to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks, as recommended by Dr. Saxon.
Regional anesthesia is used to numb the area, ensuring optimal comfort during and after the procedure. Minor soreness can be seen, but most require only Tylenol and/or ibuprofen for discomfort in the initial days after surgery.


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Why Choose Saxon MD?

Dr. Sarah Saxon is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Austin and Dallas, Texas. Her patients come from all over the country to enjoy her artistic surgical experience for natural and beautiful results. Dr. Saxon boasts over a decade of rigorous training, including specialized fellowship training at Boston University as well as additional training with Dr. Mike Nayak, a world-leading expert in structural neck lifts. With a mission to help her patients tap into their innate beauty and a commitment to quality patient experiences, Dr. Saxon helps her patients transform self-doubt into self-confidence. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Saxon for a personalized assessment of a structural neck lift.