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Facial Implants


A smiling woman with long wavy gray hair, wearing a blue blouse, posing in a softly blurred indoor background. Saxon MD

Enhance Your Facial Harmony with Facial Implants

Embark on a journey to timeless, natural beauty with Dr. Sarah Saxon. Recognized as one of the premier facial plastic surgeons in Dallas and Austin, Dr. Saxon holds double board certification and is celebrated for her artistry and meticulous attention to detail. She seamlessly blends advanced techniques with gentle approaches, delivering natural-looking, enduring results with minimal downtime. Discover why patients from Texas and beyond entrust Dr. Saxon with facial plastic surgery and rejuvenating treatments.

Embark on a journey to timeless, natural beauty with Dr. Sarah Saxon. Recognized as one of the premier facial plastic surgeons in Dallas and Austin, Dr. Saxon holds double board certification and is celebrated for her artistry and meticulous attention to detail. She seamlessly blends advanced techniques with gentle approaches, delivering natural-looking, enduring results with minimal downtime. Discover why patients from Texas and beyond entrust Dr. Saxon with facial plastic surgery and rejuvenating treatments.

Improve Facial Structure and Contours

Two women, one holding a mirror, engaging in a conversation while sitting in a living room with greenery in the background. Saxon MD
Facial implant surgery involves inserting a biocompatible material, commonly silicone, to enhance the projection and contour of the area being treated. The implant is specifically designed to fit over the bone, providing a natural-looking augmentation. Dr. Saxon selects the appropriate implant shapes and sizes to meet your anatomical and aesthetic needs. Although customized implants can be made based on a CT scan, most achieve amazing results with the array of standard shapes available. In general, Dr. Saxon prefers silicone implants because they’re well-tolerated but can be easily removed if needed. She generally avoids materials like Medpore because they’re textured and harder to remove since it integrates into the surrounding tissue.

Before & After

Profile view of a middle-aged man with dark hair, wearing a gray shirt, against a black background. Saxon MD


Profile view of a man with dark hair, wearing a gray shirt, standing against a black background. Saxon MD


Advantages of Facial Implants

Portrait of a smiling bald man with a beard, resting his chin on his hand, wearing a black shirt and a bracelet, with a blurred background. Saxon MD

Long-lasting Results & Precise Definition: Facial implants offer permanent or long-lasting volume enhancement compared to fillers. They provide a higher level of precision and control for sculpting and defining facial contours, particularly when addressing bone deficiency in areas like the cheeks or chin. This can lead to a more transformative outcome.

Reduced Maintenance & Cost-Effectiveness: Unlike fillers that require repeated injections, facial implants offer a potentially more cost-effective solution in the long run due to their durability.

Combined Treatments: Facial implants can be combined with fat grafting for optimal results, as determined by Dr. Saxon during your consultation.

Dr. Saxon’s

Unique Approach for Facial Implants

A woman in a purple dress smiling at the camera, standing on a bridge with lush green trees in the background. Saxon MD
Dr. Saxon begins with a thorough consultation to understand your goals and facial anatomy. With this personalized insight, she tailors the procedure to enhance your facial projection and contours while ensuring a harmonious overall facial appearance. Dr. Saxon makes an incision inside your mouth to minimize visible scarring. A precise pocket is made for the implant so that no screws are needed to hold the implant in place. Once the implants are placed in the pocket, dissolving sutures are placed to close the incision. Dr. Saxon’s technique delivers natural-looking results that are consistent with your goals.

The Recovery Process

After facial implant placement, it’s important to be prepared for the recovery process. You may experience swelling and mild discomfort, which can be managed with pain medications. Since the implants are placed under the muscle, your smile or facial movements can be temporarily altered due to swelling. Most patients can expect a downtime of one to two weeks, during which you should avoid strenuous activities and follow Dr. Saxon’s postoperative instructions diligently:

Facial Implant FAQs

What are the common side effects and downtime associated with facial implants?
Most patients can expect side effects like swelling and mild discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications. The downtime ranges from one to two weeks, during which you should avoid strenuous activities and adhere to postoperative instructions.
While initial swelling may obscure the final results, you will notice improvements within a few weeks. Over the following months, as swelling subsides and your chin heals, the full outcome of the procedure will become increasingly evident.
Discomfort can vary from person to person, but Dr. Saxon takes measures to minimize pain during and after the procedure. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so you will be asleep for the duration of the procedure. After surgery, prescription medications are provided to manage any postoperative discomfort effectively.
As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, including infection, scarring, and anesthesia-related complications. Dr. Saxon will discuss these risks with you during the consultation and take steps to minimize them.
Yes, facial implants can be combined with other facial procedures like rhinoplasty or facelifts for comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Dr. Saxon will help you determine the right approach to meet your aesthetic goals.


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Why Choose Saxon MD?

Dr. Sarah Saxon is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Austin and Dallas, Texas. Her patients come from all over the country to enjoy her artistic surgical experience for natural and beautiful results. Dr. Saxon is renowned for her expertise in facial feminization surgery using advanced craniofacial and soft tissue techniques. With a philosophy centered on creating true, lasting beauty, Dr. Saxon and her team are committed to delivering personalized results. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Saxon to elevate your facial contours today.