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Woman in a blue shirt looking to the side, with a softly blurred background in an indoor setting. Saxon MD

Relax Unwanted Facial Wrinkles.

Neuromodulators, derived from botulinum toxin, are revolutionizing facial aesthetics. These injectable treatments temporarily relax targeted muscles, effectively softening wrinkles and fine lines caused by facial expressions. Dr. Saxon personalizes the dose and injection points for a natural appearance, helping you achieve a refreshed and youthful look.
Neuromodulators, derived from botulinum toxin, are revolutionizing facial aesthetics. These injectable treatments temporarily relax targeted muscles, effectively softening wrinkles and fine lines caused by facial expressions. Dr. Saxon personalizes the dose and injection points for a natural appearance, helping you achieve a refreshed and youthful look.

How Do Neuromodulators Work?

A smiling woman with braided hair, wearing a navy top and gold earrings, sitting in an office environment with soft-focus background lighting. Saxon MD
Neuromodulators are derived from purified botulinum toxin, a protein derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When injected in small amounts, they temporarily paralyze targeted muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. While renowned for their wrinkle-reducing capabilities, neuromodulators offer various medical applications, including treating migraines and excessive sweating. Their ability to achieve results with minimal downtime makes them a popular choice for facial rejuvenation.

Before & After

An elderly woman with a warm smile, wearing red lipstick and a gray top, against a black background. Saxon MD


An elderly woman with long gray hair, smiling, wearing a yellow blouse, against a black background. Saxon MD


What are


A Spectrum of Options: Choosing the Right Neuromodulator

Portrait of a smiling bald man with a beard, resting his chin on his hand, wearing a black shirt and a bracelet, with a blurred background. Saxon MD

Several neuromodulator brands exist, each with subtle differences:

Botox: The first widely used product, known for its reliability.

Dysport: Diffuses more readily, ideal for larger muscles.

Xeomin: Lacks accessory proteins, potentially reducing the risk of antibody formation.

Jeuveau: Offers a precise and natural feeling, suitable for delicate areas.

Daxxify: Touted for potentially longer-lasting results.

Dr. Saxon carefully selects the most suitable neuromodulator based on your needs and desired outcomes.

Neuromodulation: The Science

Neuromodulation is a process that alters nerve activity by inhibiting neurotransmitter release. When injected, neuromodulators block the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for muscle contraction. By preventing this chemical signal, the treated muscles relax and remain subdued. This diminishes the appearance of dynamic wrinkles like forehead lines and frown lines, which are formed by repetitive muscle movements. The results last 3 to 4 months, following which a touch-up is needed.
After your neuromodulator treatment, although rare, you may experience minor bruising at the injection sites. Fortunately, the downtime is minimal, and most individuals resume daily activities immediately. While recovery is swift, it’s essential to avoid strenuous activities for 24 hours. You’ll start noticing results within a few days, with the full effect becoming evident after two weeks. Please consult Dr. Saxon if you have any concerns.

The Recovery Process

A woman with shoulder-length dark hair looking away thoughtfully, indoors with soft lighting and a blurred background. Saxon MD

Neuromodulator FAQs

Can neuromodulators prevent wrinkles?
Yes, neuromodulators can help prevent or delay the onset of dynamic wrinkles. By relaxing specific muscles, neuromodulators reduce the repetitive movements that lead to the formation of dynamic wrinkles. Regular treatments starting in your 20s or early 30s can prevent these wrinkles from becoming deeper and more pronounced, helping you maintain a youthful appearance.
A neuromodulator session takes about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the treated areas. You can go back to work and resume normal activities immediately afterwards.
Most patients notice results within 3 to 5 days, with the full effects visible after two weeks.
Neuromodulator results generally last 3 to 4 months. Over time, muscle action gradually returns, and wrinkles reappear, necessitating follow-up treatments. Each person is slightly different depending on the size of the muscle treated and metabolism.
Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. Rarely, patients might experience headaches or flu-like symptoms.
While neuromodulators are suitable for all adults, please consult Dr. Saxon to determine your candidacy. Certain conditions or medications may make neuromodulators inappropriate for some individuals.
Most patients describe a slight pinch during the injection, but there’s no pain. If you’re concerned, ask for a numbing gel before the injection.
Dr. Saxon discusses your goals, analyzes your facial skin, and customizes the dosage to offer a natural-looking reduction in wrinkles. The goal is to help you achieve a refreshed appearance without freezing your expressions.
Yes, many patients combine neuromodulators with fillers or other aesthetic procedures. Discuss your goals with Dr. Saxon to create a tailored treatment plan.


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Why Choose Saxon MD?

Dr. Sarah Saxon is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Austin and Dallas, Texas. Her patients come from all over the country to enjoy her artistic surgical experience for natural and beautiful results. Dr. Saxon partners with her patients to achieve their unique vision of facial beauty. Schedule a consultation today to explore your options with a true expert.