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Hairline Lowering


A woman with shoulder-length dark hair looking away thoughtfully, indoors with soft lighting and a blurred background. Saxon MD

Transform Your Face: Hairline Lowering for a Balanced Look

Dreaming of a more balanced facial profile? Hairline lowering (forehead reduction) can be the answer. Dr. Saxon, a leading expert in hairline lowering surgery, helps patients achieve a more youthful and proportional appearance by adjusting the hairline position. This procedure reduces the forehead size for long-lasting results. Schedule a consultation to explore if hairline lowering is right for you.
Dreaming of a more balanced facial profile? Hairline lowering (forehead reduction) can be the answer. Dr. Saxon, a leading expert in hairline lowering surgery, helps patients achieve a more youthful and proportional appearance by adjusting the hairline position. This procedure reduces the forehead size for long-lasting results. Schedule a consultation to explore if hairline lowering is right for you.

What Is Hairline Lowering?

Two women, one holding a mirror, engaging in a conversation while sitting in a living room with greenery in the background. Saxon MD

Hairline lowering, also known as forehead reduction, is a surgical procedure performed by Dr. Saxon for individuals with a high hairline. This technique adjusts the hairline position, reducing the size of the forehead and offering a more balanced facial appearance. Dr. Saxon performs more hairline lowering procedures than almost any other surgeon, so she routinely has patients travel to Texas from across the country for her expertise. Patients who have hairline lowering are among the happiest since many who seek out the procedure have been self-conscious about their hairline for their entire life. 

Hairline lowering can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures such as brow bone reduction and brow lift. This surgery can help you achieve harmonious facial proportion, turning what some call a “five head” into a more traditionally proportioned forehead.

Before & After

Close-up portrait of a woman with long blonde hair and earrings, smiling gently against a black background. Saxon MD


A close-up portrait of a woman with light hair and fair skin against a black background, looking directly at the camera. Saxon MD


What is


Am I a Candidate for Hairline Lowering?

A smiling woman with long brown hair, wearing a black blazer and white shirt, sitting indoors with a softly blurred background. Saxon MD

If you are not satisfied with your hairline location, you might be a suitable candidate for hairline lowering. There are few contraindications for hairline lowering in women, including alopecia, active hair loss, and skin disorders of the scalp. For men, the hairline may continue to recede over time, so they will want to ensure that hair loss is stable before undergoing the procedure. In this situation, there is still a chance hair grafting may be needed in the future should hair loss continue. In women, estrogen usually prevents the hairline from changing drastically and undergoing this procedure at any time is generally safe. During a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Saxon, she will review your medical history and examine your scalp to determine if you are a good candidate for hairline lowering.

Dr. Saxon’s Unique Hairline Lowering Approach

Dr. Saxon takes a distinctive approach to hairline lowering. She designs the incisions in order to round off the hairline and ensure that scars are well-hidden. Her attention to detail in how she closes the incisions also aims to minimize scarring. She also incorporates regenerative treatments like exosomes and platelet rich fibrin to minimize the risk of hair loss and improve overall healing. Over time, Dr. Saxon has become nationally recognized as one of the few experts in hairline lowering both for her surgical technique and post op skin regimen to maintain natural results with as little downtime as possible.

Hairline Lowering Recovery

Hairline lowering has a fairly short recovery time. Immediately after surgery, a compressive wrap is placed around the forehead. It can be removed daily for hair washing and cleaning incisions. There is mild swelling and bruising, which descends with gravity down around the eyes and cheeks. The forehead tends to be numb temporarily, which minimizes pain. Any clips and sutures are removed one week after surgery, and local wound care will continue for one week after that. Sunscreen and silicone-based scar gels are recommended after that time. Hair usually starts to grow through the incision 2-6 months after surgery.

Remember to follow all aftercare instructions provided by Dr. Saxon, including:

Hairline Lowering FAQs

Is hairline lowering suitable for both men and women?
Yes, hairline lowering can be performed on both men and women to address high or receding hairlines and improve facial proportions. However, Dr. Saxon doesn’t recommend it for men who aren’t on estrogen supplements because of the risk of a receding hairline, which could reveal the underlying scar.
The surgery typically takes an hour or two, but the exact duration can vary depending on individual factors and the complexity of the case.
The cost of hairline lowering surgery typically varies depending on factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, geographic location, and the extent of the procedure. On average, hairline lowering surgery can range from $10,000 to $15,000 USD. This includes surgical facility fees and anesthesia fees.
Dr. Saxon uses meticulous techniques to minimize scarring. Incisions are usually made within the hairline or along its natural contours, ensuring scars are discreet and often imperceptible.
Patients should plan for around 7 to 14 days of downtime, though remote work from home can be resumed within 2 to 3 days. Please avoid strenuous activities to facilitate a smooth recovery.
While some immediate improvements will be noticeable, the final results of hairline lowering typically become more apparent over a few months as any residual swelling subsides and the scalp settles into its new position.
As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks involved, including infection, scarring, and anesthesia-related complications. Dr. Saxon will thoroughly discuss potential risks during your consultation and offer aftercare guidelines to minimize the risks.


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Why Choose Saxon MD?

Dr. Sarah Saxon is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Austin and Dallas, Texas. Her patients come from all over the country to enjoy her artistic surgical experience for natural and beautiful results. Renowned as one of the nation’s few experts in hairline lowering, she lectures in national meetings and is sought after by other surgeons from around the country to learn her hairline-lowering techniques. Her signature approach allows for dramatic results with minimal downtime. Schedule a consultation to embark on an aesthetic journey with Dr. Saxon.