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Patient Stories: My experience with Embrace RF facial contouring


My Experience with EmbraceRF Facial Contouring

Jowling…quite possibly the worst word in the English language.

I have never loved the fullness in my lower face. A sharper jawline like GiGi Hadid was something I always admired, but never had. Getting older has only made it worse too. Any time my friends would want to take a group picture, I would make sure my chin was angled up towards the sky to try and give the illusion my skin was tighter then what it was. 

A month before I turned 36, I decided to do something about my insecurities and have Embrace RF. Since I work for Dr. Saxon, I get to see her perform the procedure weekly and knew what to expect.  I am a chicken when it comes to pain, though, so I was still a little nervous!

The day of my procedure I started out like all patients. I was put into a comfy robe and slippers and reclined in a chair, breathing in Nitronox gas to calm my nerves. Nerve blocks were administered in my face and neck that felt like tiny bee stings. The sting quickly went away in seconds and after that I never felt any pain at all!

Embrace RF is a combination of FaceTite and Morpheus8 (radiofrequency microneedling). As always, we started with Morpheus8 which took less than 10 minutes and then Dr. Saxon put a cold towel over my eyes that smelled like eucalyptus. Next came FaceTite. The worst thing about that part of the procedure was how boring it was. I’m serious! I actually at one point fell asleep for a little bit. All in all, it lasted around an hour before Dr. Saxon was finishing up with the remainder of the Morpheus treatment. I was then on my way driving myself home.

I actually slept like a baby the night of my procedure and even went to work the next day. I wore a wrap for the first three days and then just to sleep after that. I never felt any pain during the healing process, but I did have some numbness under my chin that fully resolved a few weeks ago, and I am currently 3 months post procedure.

Having Embrace RF was honestly one of the best things I ever did for myself and my confidence. My jawline is tight and defined like never before. My skin texture has never felt or looked better too. It’s really incredible that such an easy procedure could give such amazing results! Everyday I continue to see improvement and I can’t wait to see my jawline at my 6 month post op. I have never felt this good about myself and having my picture taken is now something I am excited to do.

Are you interested in Embrace RF?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Saxon to determine if it is right for you by clicking here or emailing us at


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