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Social Distancing Beauty School

What treatments you can do at home…and which you should leave to the professionals!

In these uncertain times, a lot of us are faced with social distancing, as well as the pinch of less disposable income. That often results in cutting out the “extras” in our lives such as “Self care” i.e facials, beauty products and salon visits. There is no need to completely abandon your skin. Well maintained skin is not only a treat but as the body’s largest organ, a necessity. Here is some advice from the Saxy Squad on what treatments you can keep up at home, and those that are better left to the professionals.

  1. Facials and Masks: YES! Saxy Squad approved for home use…with caution. Don’t order just any product and smear it on your face. You can order masks online from medical grade skin care brands like Skinceuticals and PCA online! They will ship directly to your door and you can be sure that the ingredients are of the highest quality and safety standards. A few we love: Skinceuticals Clarifying Clay Mask, PCA Revitalizing Mask. Sheet masks are great as well, just be sure to read the ingredients. Some have harsh acids and retinols in them that can irritate your skin, especially if you already use those type of products in your daily routine.
  2. Microneedling or Microdermabrasion: DONT! The Saxy Squad forbids these types of home treatments. Why? The devices available online are unregulated and require skilled application to ensure the treatment is done correctly. It can tear the skin and leave you at risk for infections and scarring. Then there is the issue of cleanliness. When we microneedle in the office we use a brand new, sterile tip and then discard it. Even when “cleaned” many devices that say they can be used multiple times can harbor bacteria that can cause nasty skin infections.
  3. Botox and Fillers: wait, that’s a joke right? ABSOLUTELY NOT! The only reason we even mention this is that there are companies selling faux injectables online (so scary!!!). It takes very specialized training to learn how to administer these products safely and also a finely skilled touch to make them look good! Just wait it out!  You can come see us as soon as everyone is done social distancing. Thanks to products like the neuromodulator, Jeuveau (#newtox), you can be back to smooth in as little as a few days! Word of Advice: if you keep up with skincare at home, the lessened enhancement of neuromodulators and fading filler will be much less noticeable.
  4. Peels: NOPE! Sure there are lots of over the counter peel solutions available online and at ULTA, but the Squad does not recommend this at-home treatment. Peels can be unpredictable and can burn the skin if not used precisely. The chemicals in peels can also react poorly with the ingredients in your regular skincare routine, like retinols and other acids. We have seen so many disasters in the office from at-home peels, everything from burns to permanent scarring with hyper or hypopigmentation, meaning the skin either gets patches of color or color loss. Both cannot be treated once they happen.
  5. Waxing: NO WAY! Do you want to lose an eyebrow? Because that’s how you lose an eyebrow. And are you really brave enough to rip wax off your own bikini line?! Stick to plucking (responsibly, do not take your cabin fever out on your eyebrows. You WILL regret it) and shaving for now if you must. Also, you don’t have to do any of it if you don’t feel like it.
  6. Hair color: MAYBE…and it is a BIG maybe! If you are going a shade or two darker, warmer, cooler, then it’s worth a try but it takes patience and skill.  Not only can it be messy, but at home hair color can wreck your hair due to the harsh chemicals. If you choose to be brave and attempt box dye, be sure to protect everything in your bathroom at all costs, and make sure you have plenty of ventilation! A better option is a color depositing conditioner, like Overtone or Arctic Fox that is easy on the hair and will fade fairly fast if it isn’t exactly what you hoped for. It even comes in fun shades like pink! Since you’re working from home, there are no HR rules to stop you from living your best fun hair life.
  7. Manicure/Pedicure: DEFINITELY! In this Squad Blogger’s opinion, mani/pedi’s are one of the most fun and easiest at home things you can do for yourself. Not blessed with steady hands or an eye for detail? Now is the time to practice! If it is a mess, not be a downer, but odds are no one is going to see it right now. Just be sure to protect your work surface and stay put until your nails are completely dry. Like, as in at least a full episode of Tiger King.

There really are no rules when it comes to this whole quarantine thing. If it makes you feel good to do things for yourself then do it, just do it carefully! Don’t let the desperation of wanting a treatment or needing to improve in some way drive you to make a major beauty blunder. More importantly, if you don’t want to spend the energy don’t. Let’s face it, the world has bigger problem right now than fading Botox or that tiny blemish. Truth is, most of our Facetime and Zoom meetings are too fuzzy for anyone to even notice our self-proclaimed “imperfections.” Things as they are, does anyone even care?! Just know that this will end eventually, and we will all be back to socializing in no time. Now may be a good time to simplify, and if you decide to go au naturel, the Saxy Squad will definitely not judge you.

You can get 10% off of ANY med spa treatment through the end of April if you prepay.

Interested? Email us at


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